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October product updates: Version Identity Graph Filters

A sneak peek into our feature - Identity Graph.
Rohit Khanna
November 8, 2023
min read

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Hey there. Rohit here👋🏻

I'd be lying if I said I was excited about Identity Graph Filters for "many" reasons. There's only one reason why I'm excited.

And it's a really simple one.

Toplyne is the only tool that lets Ops teams build custom account segments based on properties of related children entities.

What are Identity Graph Filters?

Toplyne stitches first party data (product usage, billing, CRM) and firmographics into one schema to build an identity graph at the level of your users, workspaces, teams, accounts, and other entities relevant to your product.

And now you can apply filters on top of that.

Filters at each node of that graph cascade to other nodes to define custom segments.

How can I use Identity Graph Filters?

You can use Identity Graph Filters to define segments like:

  • “Accounts where sum of all “API calls” made by users at the account are above a certain threshold” - based on combined user level thresholds.
  • “Domains where at-least 5 users in each of those domains have invited a team member" - based on user count thresholds.
  • "Companies where users belong to at least 4 business regions" - based on distinct user property thresholds.
  • "Companies where at least one user has a seniority of Director/VP" - based on user personas.

Or a combination of all.

How does Identity Graph Filters enable Ops teams?

Segmentation on the Identity Graph allows Ops teams to fine-tune all GTM workflows downstream - sales sequences, in-app nudges, marketing campaigns - you name it.

For a walkthrough of Identity Graph, book time with me here.

If you're running marketing and sales touches to custom audiences, I'd love to show you around what we've built.


That's a wrap on October. I'll see you in your inbox in a month with a fresh batch of updates.

Until then.

Table of Contents

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