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August product updates: Version Dreamforce

August fest: A glance at Scout™, ICP Score, banger partnerships, and much, much more.
Rohit Khanna
September 13, 2023
min read

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Hey there. Rohit here. 👋🏻

I'm writing to you from the Moscone Center in the cold afterglow of SaaStr Annual. Having clocked 10 miles a day over three days in San Mateo, Toplyne's at Dreamforce this week. Catching talks by Sam Altman, Clem Delangue, Marc Benioff, and *checks notes* Rainn Wilson.

I'm taking a break from the Dreamforce take-over of the city to tell you about some of the cool sh*t my team’s been working on at Toplyne.

Here's the TL;DR:

1. Meet Scout™ - Find the economic buyer at the accounts using your product.

2. ICP Fit Score - Score how closely a potential lead resembles your Ideal Customer Persona.

3. Toplyne <> Drip - We're now partners with Drip, the marketing automation platform.

With the TL;DR out of the way, read on for the low-down.

Find your economic buyer with Scout 🔎

Scout uses AI to identify contacts who are decision makers for deals. If the decision maker isn’t found in your CRM, Scout sources it from the internet, along with their contact data.

Here's how that looks on your Toplyne Chrome Extension:

ICP fit score 🙋🏻

An account’s likelihood to convert is a combination of two broad factors -

  1. Intent - How actively are they using your product?
  2. Eligibility - Do they belong to your target industries, region etc.?

ICP Fit Score quantifies eligibility. To show you how closely a potential lead resembles your ideal customer profile.

Toplyne 🤝 Drip

Announcing our partnership with Drip ⚡️ You can now send your Toplyne qualified leads and accounts into Drip to trigger highly targeted marketing automations.

Learn how you can integrate your Drip with Toplyne here.

That's all for August folks. I've gotta scram now to try and beat the crowd that's starting to queue up to... watch Rainn Wilson making a stretch attempt to tie his Dreamforce talk to SaaS somehow.

I'll see you in your inbox soon. As always, we're working on some exciting afterburners to Toplyne - I'll keep you posted as and when they drop.

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