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January product updates: Version GigaChad

A sneak peek into product analytics in God mode, Pictory's NRR goes brrr 📈, epic partnerships 🤝, and much more...
February 2, 2023
min read

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Yo. Rohit here.

January was WILD. At the beginning of the month, our team set out to kick ass and chew bubblegum. And we very quickly ran out of bubblegum.

We rolled out a “this will blow your minds” update to Toplyne, released a fresh new customer story, and announced several key partnerships.

I don’t know about you, but I’m hyped to tell you more. Ready?

Drums, please, Fab. 🥁

  • Advanced segmentation is here and to quote our customers, "It is straight up 🔥 "
  • We're releasing Pictory’s Toplyne playbooks to boost Net Revenue Retention by 14%
  • We’re now partners with Amplitude, Hubspot, Heap, Mixpanel - givemeasecondtocatchmybreath - and ActiveCampaign
  • New integrations klaxon: Iterable, UserPilot.

The TL;DR really doesn’t do any justice. As the kids say these days, let me double-click on those.

Advanced segmentation ➕

Aka, product analytics in God mode.

Allows you to build segments at the deepest level of sub-properties within your product analytics, while aggregating user behavior at an account level. Our AI now ingests every aspect of a user’s interaction with your product. And then rolls it up at an account level. It’s freakin’ cool.

You should try it.

Advanced segmentation ✚

Here’s what you can do in God mode:

Hyper-personalize your life-cycle campaigns - Trigger nudges as though you were standing over users' shoulders in accounts and guiding them through your product.
Advanced conversion & expansion pipeline - We’re approaching the theoretical maximum accuracy in predicting users and accounts who will convert and expand.

It’s a bloody cheat code.

Pictory’s playbook to drive retention 🚀

Discover how Pictory uses Toplyne to move over monthly users to annual plans - driving their NRR up by 14%.

Pictory’s playbook to drive retention

All you other generative AI companies, are you listening?

Watch how you can build retention/conversion/expansion playbooks in Toplyne.

"We now pronounce you partner & partner..." ✨

Holler at us from the Amplitude, Hubspot, Heap, Mixpanel, and ActiveCampaign marketplaces.

"We now pronounce you partner & partner..."

Plug and play (really) 🧩

We now integrate into Iterable (cross-channel marketing platform), Outreach (sales execution), and Userpilot (In-app engagement)

That's all for January folks.

Catch you on the flippity flip.

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