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Announcing our partnership with Amplitude

You can now connect Toplyne from within Amplitude.
March 14, 2023
min read

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Drumroll, please. 

We're excited to announce our latest partnership with Amplitude, aka the peanut butter to our jelly, the bacon to our eggs, and the data to our conversion and expansion engine.

Toplyne 🤝🏻 Amplitude

Amplitude’s suite of tools and services enables companies to track user behavior, analyze customer data, and derive insights that can inform product development. Amplitude's platform allows businesses to visualize data, set up targeted user segments, and run A/B tests to optimize product features and user experiences. With Amplitude, companies can make data-driven decisions, improve customer engagement, and ultimately grow their business.

And with Toplyne’s behavioral AI plugged into Amplitude, revenue teams can surface conversion and expansion pipeline in their revenue stack.

A little about what you can do with this integration

Toplyne’s behavioral AI plugs into your Amplitude on one end and continuously qualifies your users based on their behavior within your product, their demographics, company firmographics, billing data, CRM data, and third-party enrichment.

You can then sync these leads directly into your revenue stack where your sales teams (or marketing - whatever floats your GTM boat) will start seeing qualified pipeline for your conversion and expansion motions.

A 1-2 punch of Toplyne and Amplitude ensures that your highest intent leads - users most likely to convert to paid plans and teams most likely to expand, based on their activity within your product, are routed to your sales teams, who can now close them at upto a 1.8x higher win rate.

How to integrate Toplyne with Amplitude

Integrate Toplyne as a destination from your Amplitude by following the documentation listed here.

After the Amplitude integration is live, all your users and accounts will now be visible on your Toplyne dashboard. You’re ready to roll.

Start integrating GTM destinations to pipe your qualified pipeline into. Find all GTM destinations here.

Here's a sneak peek of the Toplyne dashboard with your Amplitude plugged in:

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