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February product updates: Version Cocaine Bear

Short month, big updates ⚡️: A glance at finessing your pipeline, (advanced) advanced segmentation, banger partnerships, and much more.
Rohit Khanna
March 7, 2023
min read

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Yo. Rohit here.

The BAFTAs. SaaStr APAC. The Superbowl. The first Generative AI conference in SF. The global premiere of Cocaine Bear.

What February lacked in days, it made up for in... milestone events ⚡️

Our February product updates don’t hold a candle to Cocaine Bear (nothing will), but they come *kinda* close.

  • Pipeline finessing - Fine-tune your sales pipeline real-time
  • (Advanced) advanced segmentation - Measure segment sizes real-time and set filters based on actions your users have not performed
  • Announcing our partnership with 🥁 drumroll 🥁 Customer(dot)io

Okay, that's the TL;DR out of the way. There's more meat on the bone yet.

If you'd rather we show them to you IRL - we're always just a click away

Finesse your pipeline ⚡️

From among pipelines you've built in the past, you can now edit:

  • The frequency of run: Daily/Weekly
  • The number of leads you sync
  • The fields you want to sync in your GTM destinations
Finesse your pipeline

(Advanced) advanced segmentation 🚀

You can now segment *even* further based even on actions your users have "not performed."

(Advanced) advanced segmentation

Try it here.

We're on the Customer(dot)io app store ✨

Yo users, holler at us from the marketplace. You can now connect Toplyne directly from within Customer(dot)io.

That's all for February folks - we'll be back with more in March.

Until then 🫡

Table of Contents

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