Growth Marketing

Mastering B2B Sales Segmentation: A Comprehensive Guide for Success

Discover what is B2B sales segmentation, benefits, strategies to implement, and tools required.
June 2, 2023
min read

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I. Introduction

Making a sale is less difficult when you’re able to speak to the needs, pain points, and preferences of your target audience. But the target audience is not homogenous. The messaging and product features that some companies love may not resonate as powerfully with others. Consequently, you may not be able to convince as many companies to come on board with your product as you’d hoped. For consistent results from sales and marketing efforts, segmentation is crucial.

B2B sales depends on relationship-building and a consistent customer experience. This is impossible without an understanding of your customer base. Segmentation is a tool to learn more details about your target market in order to approach, persuade, and retain customers successfully.

For the VP of Sales, segmentation is the precursor to planning sales strategies within the conversion funnel. It is also a tool for sales forecasting, helping make more accurate predictions about future sales trends, along with historical data, benchmarks, and other data.

II. What is B2B Sales Segmentation?

A. Defining B2B Sales Segmentation and Its Purpose

B2B sales segmentation is the process of dividing a target market into smaller groups. It enables you to:

  • Plan targeted sales messages
  • Easily visualize your target audience, with their differences and similarities
  • Personalize product offerings
  • Implement highly targeted sales initiatives
  • Focus your resources on the most promising segments
  • Implement content-focused account-based sales and marketing strategies

B. Why B2B Sales Segmentation Matters for SaaS Companies

Most of the revenue for SaaS companies comes from upselling and cross-selling to retained customers. A clear picture of the needs, concerns, and situations of different segments of your target audience is essential to create valuable, relevant content and offers. For example, in a weak economy when cancellations tend to be higher, you can offer high-value customers within a segment personalized offers or bigger discounts to continue their subscription.

III. Key Elements of B2B Sales Segmentation

A. Firmographic Segmentation

It involves segmenting firms by industry, company size, annual revenue, status (LLC, publicly owned, privately held, etc.), and location. Additional variables can include years in business and performance over time.

B. Demographic Segmentation

Demographic segmentation is based on age, job title, education, income bracket, and even gender.

C. Technographic Segmentation

You can create sub-groups of customers based on the software, devices, apps, and browsers they use for work.

D. Behavioral Segmentation

Behavioral segmentation seeks to understand customers’ interactions with a product or company. For SaaS companies, it deals with product usage frequency and engagement with core and secondary product features among free trial, freemium, paid users, new customers, old timers, and other cohorts.

IV. Benefits of B2B Sales Segmentation:

A. Enhanced Targeting and Personalization

Customers want to hear the value of your product and how it can drive benefits for their business. The deeper information about your customers gained through segmentation will allow you to personalize your sales pitch and position yourself as a strategic partner, not just a vendor.

B. Improved Customer Acquisition and Retention

The use of targeted sales messages makes it easier to build relationships with customers. Customer insights from segmentation can be used towards creating impressive pitch decks and sales playbooks that help close more deals. Such due diligence on your market also proves useful in creating targeted offers that convince at-risk customers to stay with your business.

C. Higher Conversion Rates and Revenue Growth

Sales segmentation is a powerful tool to boost your win rate. It enables you to prioritize sales conversations and pipeline, and strike a balance between level of effort/engagement and likelihood to close. And as a downstream effect, it can reduce your sales cycle.  Acquisition apart, segmentation is also useful to plan cancellation flows that are effective in retaining more of your customers.

D. Streamlined Sales and Marketing Alignment

A shared understanding of customer needs and pain points across segments allows marketing and sales teams to create consistent messaging and materials. For example, your marketing team can plan content marketing and email marketing based on customer segments. Creating case studies, whitepapers, webinars, and email copy that resonate with the specific customer needs can aid and speed up purchasing decisions.

V. Strategies for Effective B2B Sales Segmentation

A. Collecting the right data

Make sure you have accurate and recent customer data. This is essential to create accurate customer profiles (explained below), engage decision-makers effectively, and avoid saying anything that confuses or befuddles them.

B. Defining Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs)

The ideal customer profile or buyer persona is a set of firmographic, demographic, and technographic attributes that identify the accounts representing the most potential value. These are the accounts to target for your go-to-market, marketing, and retention efforts.

C. Analyzing and Segmenting Existing Customer Base

Examine your current customer base and determine the types of customer segmentation that would create the most opportunities and benefits for your company.

D. Creating Targeted Sales Conversations

On the marketing side, you will have focused on creating brand awareness and trust with targeted SEO, social media and other multi-channel marketing campaigns. From a sales perspective, customer segmentation will allow you to create value-based sales conversations targeted at various buyer personas.

E. Continuous Refinement and Adaptation

As you introduce new products or plans, and target new markets, regions, and industries, you’ll need to create new and/or modify your existing customer segments.

VI. Tools and Technologies for B2B Sales Segmentation

A. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems

Your CRM is a good starting point to segment all your customers into different categories. It should be able to seamlessly connect data from other systems to provide a complete customer profile.

B. Sales Automation Platforms

Sales automation platforms use machine learning and artificial intelligence to identify possible sales opportunities, create proposals, and set quotas. They allow you to track customers’ interactions with your company, send customers automated replies, and update other teams about customers in the pipeline.

Sales automation frees your sales team from repetitive administrative tasks so that they can focus on chasing leads and closing deals. They can be used in conjunction with marketing automation tools, which enable the dynamic segmentation of marketing campaign targets, automate social media, email, SMS and digital ads.

C. Product Analytics and Business Intelligence Tools

Business intelligence tools collect, aggregate, and analyze information about firms in one place. Behavioral analytics records user activity within a product to create a smoother user experience. Behavioral analytics tools like Amplitude and Mixpanel offer detailed insights about individual users and user behavior. But they aren’t enough. Using them alongside a SaaS platform like Toplyne will allow you to make the most of your product analytics data and craft in-product tailored customer experiences

D. Customer Data Platforms (CDPs)

A customer data platform is a software that aggregates customer data across various touchpoints. It collects and organizes real-time data into individual customer profiles.

VII. Best Practices for Successful B2B Sales Segmentation

A. Prioritizing Data Quality and Data Governance

Data quality directly impacts marketing decision quality. A proper data governance method prioritizes the evaluation of data quality attributes like completeness, recency, accuracy, and compliance with applicable regulations.

B. Regularly Reviewing and Updating Segmentation Strategies

SaaS companies periodically review and update their customer data and segmentation criteria to factor in changing customer behaviors or market conditions. This helps ensure alignment with business goals and continues delivering optimal results.

C. Collaboration between Sales, Marketing, and Customer Success Teams

Qualitative insights sharing among sales, marketing, and customer success teams is important to stay on the pulse of customers’ experiences with product, onboarding, website, or sales support. It keeps everyone informed about their specific needs, and anything else that can help acquire and keep more customers.

D. Measuring and Analyzing Segment Performance

Automation and data analytics tools provide analytics and reports on sales and marketing performance across segments. These insights can be applied to improve sales messaging and streamline marketing-sales alignment.

VIII. The Future of B2B Sales Segmentation

Segmentation technologies in the market simplify the creation of customer segments and personalize experiences at scale. Advanced analytics powered by machine learning and AI automatically finds new customer segments and previously untapped customer segments. It is also able to handle complex customer segments and journeys.

Sales segmentation will keep pace with changes in SaaS sales. The emphasis will be on automating more of the process, enabling real-time segmentation, and connecting with more sources of customer data. It may be influenced by SaaS sales trends such as digital sales room (DSR), which shows advanced sales content metrics, and interactive sales collateral like animated product demos.

IX. Conclusion

Segmentation has a big impact on your messaging, sales teams, sales processes, account management structure, retention strategy, lead flow, and product. Whether you’re a start-up, small business, or in a hyper growth mode, segmenting your target customers will enable you to create personalized sales pitches and customer journeys that boost revenue growth.

  • Devise the segmentation strategy
  • Invest in software and tools that enable B2B sales segmentation
  • Align marketing and sales teams around the segmentation strategy
  • Implement a data quality and governance model
  • Conduct a post-mortem on all sales deals

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